Monday, October 6, 2014

Thesis Presentation and Mentor

Fifty minutes of class was dedicated towards my peers' thesis presentations. Good job to all those that presented today.

I believe I have solidified who my mentor will be. Hopefully, Lucas's dad, Dr. Chen, will be kind enough to donate his time to be my mentor. He does research in sports medicine so he is my ideal mentor.

I'm still working on my presentation for Wednesday. It's going to be pretty fantastic. At first, my presentation was around seven minutes because I just kept going on and on about my topic. However, I've been able to cut it to a respectable amount, around five minutes and forty-five seconds. \

Found this pretty cool quote from this article: "But TMZ can’t leak a video that shows athletes’ brains deteriorating, so most people ignore the story. Our collective outrage is saved for what’s easiest to watch online."

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