I submitted the final draft of my term paper to Mr. Correa for review and grading.
I have begun to gather up information, especially on the legislation side of things, to put together my mid year presentation.
Above, I have linked the most hotly debated incident that occurred in the past week in the NFL (well, excluding the start of Johnny Football vs. the Bengals).
The big thing to take away from this is that the NFL is thinking about making these type of hits become reviewable. This introduces a whole new aspect to the sport. Remember how goals in soccer were not able to be reviewed until recently when goal line technology was put in place? The ability to review penalties like this will most likely slow down the game and possibly ruin the momentum of an offense, but I see this as another facet that has the potential to be implemented successfully, just like booth reviews of all scoring plays.
You can clearly see from this angle that there was no helmet to helmet contact on the play. However, a flag was thrown and it cost the Patriots 7 points.
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