Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Midterm Presentation and Judges

Over the break I completed my midterm presentation. I am now in the process of reviewing it and going over it to make my presentation sound well rehearsed and professional. I also need to make sure it falls within the 5-10 minute time frame. In my presentation, I focus more in depth about the 3 subtopics I have been studying (Equipment/Technology, Rules and Regulation, and Legislation) and what I have learned up until the halfway point in the course.

I reviewed the judges information posted on Edomo once again and I am in the process of obtaining judges for my thesis presentation. I emailed Dr. Bellard from the Texas Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Group. He specializes in concussion management and is the assistant team physician for the Dallas Mavericks. Even though it is a long shot, I will try to contact Dr. Robert Cantu, a prominent figure in the fight for concussions safety in the NFL. I will spend time out of every class period from now on emailing and contacting professionals in my field in order to obtain a judge because of the fact that the professionals in my field are usually extremely busy individuals.

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